Clara Button and the Magical Hat Day

book rev3 0303 is a little girl who loves making hats. Her favourite is one which was owned by her Granny Elsie, who was a milliner. When her horrid brother Oliver tears Granny Elsie’s hat, Clara is distraught. To cheer her up, her mummy takes her on a magical day out to the Victoria and Albert Museum. Hoping to be able to find someone there to help fix her Granny Elsie’s hat, Clara tucks it into her backpack before they set off.

book rev2 0303.jpgWhen they reach the Museum, after seeing all of the “imposing statues, glittering jewels, silver and gold goblets and… the strangest, sparkliest sculpture…” Clara eventually finds herself in a huge cupboard brimming with hats!

There she meets a hat doctor – will he be able to save her hat?

book rev5 0303.jpgWritten by Amy de la Haye, former curator of 20th Century Fashion at the V&A Museum, this book is an absolute delight. The illustrations by Emily Sutton are exquisite, and make it very easy for any little girl (or boy) to delve into the magical world of the museum. A treat for anyone heading for a trip to London, or better yet the V&A Museum.

pic2My favourite page of the book is Clara’s bus journey to the V&A, where they pass Liberty, Fortnum & Mason, Harvey Nichols and Harrods – the illustrations are exquisite and full of hats!

pic1Suited to a wide range of ages. Harriet enjoys having it read to her, but I think in a few years time she will adore and appreciate the detail of the illustrations far more. With clear, large text it, I can see  also being a great story for older girls to read by themselves.



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