The Great House Hunt book

A Great House Hunt book review

A Great House Hunt book review

A Great House Hunt book review

The Great House Hunt by Davide Cali and Marc Boutavant (author and illustrator of Around the World with Mouk – another of Harry’s favourites) has been a surprise hit in our household. It is an enormous book full of bright colourful illustrations. Harry chose it and was adamant it should be added to his and Teddy’s ever growing library. He asks to read it often. The story is read through the dialogue of the characters almost in a comic book style.

A Great House Hunt book review

It follows two ladybirds, Polka and Dot as their “estate agent” Mr. Weevil tries to find them the perfect new home. Harry enjoys the way it is written as you literally travel through the story with the characters. The characters move through the pages as their day unfolds.

A Great House Hunt book review

A Great House Hunt book review

From an educational point of view in The Great House Hunt, the insects travel through various mini landscapes from a wood to a beach to a miniature urban jungle. It also introduces insects as main characters which is not a common theme for childrens’ books.

Will Mr. Weevil manage to find them the house of Polka and Dots dreams? Why not find out for yourselves…

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