MORE edit | sweatshirts for mums

Although we would all love to be immaculate all day, everyday, sometimes nothing beats a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt thrown on. It can look cool, sometimes edgy and often fun. It is somehow easier to play with colour and prints or logos with a sweatshirt than a knit and they are (usually) more affordable than knitwear so you don’t mind being a bit more daring in your choice. Here are our top picks of sweatshirts for us mums.


1. Mother sweatshirt by Selfish Mother £45.00 – a bit embarrassed it is not already in our wardrobes. Profits from the sales of the clothing goes to Women for Women International (a charity helping women in war torn regions of the world rebuild their lives). Style with a conscience!

2. Star sweatshirt by Pearl and Earl £32.50 – always a sucker for a star print this sweatshirt can be customised in different colour ways. There is also a heart and..wait for it…a pineapple print sweatshirt available! Want, need, must have.

3. Maman Cool and Maman Poule sweatshirts by emoi emoi €80.00 – I have the Maman Cool in last season’s maroon colour and I love it. Very soft and easy to wear. I am tempted by the grey Maman Poule version – oui?

4. Dinosaur sweatshirt by H&M £5.99 – such a bargain. I’ve picked up a few sweatshirts from H&M recently. Amazing price and some fun, quirky prints. I couldn’t find them anywhere online, let alone a photo (hence me trying to look “casual” in the above picture!!) but they were still in store when I last went in. It would be rude not to get one at £5.99!

5. Dream tie-dye sweatshirt by Wildfox £97.00 – these sweatshirts feel so soft. Perfect for a cosy jumper after a day at the beach. Love these soft colours – they almost have a dreamy quality. At the time of writing this there was 15% off your first order.

6. “Hero” sweatshirt by asos £35.00 – because all us mums are heroes – right? A bit of fun with a hint of neon (just a tiny hint).

Have we tempted you?

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