Bears Don’t Read!


We love bears in our household. Well, more correctly Harriet does. She loves pretending to be them, searching out of the windows when we’re in the car just in case she should spot one, and most of all we love reading about them. We bought this glorious book by Emma Chichester Clark the other day and we’re hooked.


George the Bear is fed up doing all of the usual things a bear does, and wants to find something new. Then one day he discovers a book under a tree about a bear and decides that he wants to learn how to read. So he heads off to see if anyone in the town will teach him. Sadly, everyone runs away, but just as the police have him cornered a little girl called Clementine feels sorry for him and takes him home. This is a beautifully simple book about learning something new and friendship. A very relevant story I think for any pre-schooler.


We hope you love it as much as we do. Let us know if you have any other good book recommendations for minis. We are always on the lookout.



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