baking with kids – valentines day biscuits…

As 14th February fast approaches it opens up the opportunity to get the kids involved with all sorts of activities. Harry loves to help to cook so asking him if he wants to bake biscuits is a sure fire winner…and what better shape to make than hearts in anticipation for Valentines Day! Baking with kids is an opportunity for a bit of mess whilst allowing for them to see the fruits of their labour when the yummy biscuits come out of the oven.

The recipe I use has a non-dairy spread in it as Harry is allergic to dairy but butter can be used in its place. The biscuits include glace cherries which look like little glistening red jewels within the biscuits.


60g plain flour

40g non dairy spread (we use Pure sunflower spread)

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

20g caster sugar

6 – 7 glace cherries

kids baking heart biscuits


1. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper and turn on the oven to 160-180 degrees Centigrade.

2. Put the flour and spread into a bowl and rub together between fingers until its looks a bit like breadcrumbs.

3. Add the vanilla extract, sugar and chopped up cherries (the pieces don’t need to be too small) and mix.

4. Shape the mixture into a ball of dough – it might be crumbly!

5. Roll out the dough to roughly 5mm thick (Harry like to just flatten it with his hand!) and cut out the biscuits.

6. Bake for 15-20mins, take out to cool and enjoy.

kids cooking valentines biscuits

kids cooking and baking

kids cooking and baking

You should be able to make about 6-8 biscuits from this recipe but Harry would only make 3 (one for Mummy, one for Daddy and one for Teddy). However, he ended up eating one so he miscalculated the numbers! Yo make more biscuits just adjust the quantities accordingly.

kids cooking and baking

baking biscuits

We had a fun afternoon baking and although baking with kids can get a bit messy and it’s lovely to have something scummy to eat at the end of it all. Happy baking!





1 Response

  1. Mrs H 1st March 2015 / 7:01 pm

    We love baking in our house and these biscuits sound yummy! I like the idea of the addition of glace cherries. Hugs Mrs H xxxx
    Mrs H recently posted…My Captured Moment – bright eyesMy Profile

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