handmade mother’s day gift kids can make

Handmade Mother's Day gift

As Mother’s Day fast approaches, what could be cuter than a handmade Mother’s Day gift kids can make and get involved in. This trinket/keepsake box provided our minis with plenty of fun. Harry and Harriet loved using all the different materials (especially the glue and glitter) and inspired each other with their creations. These gifts are for their “Nanna’s” (so if the Nanna’s are reading, look away now!).

Handmade Mother's Day gift

What you will need

A small cardboard box (these can be bought online or from craft shops – an example of one is here)

Tissue paper in assorted colours

Felt tip pens and/or paint

PVA glue

Plastic gems / glitter / pom poms / sequins and anything else you or you mini wants to adorn the box with!


Let your mini have free reign!

Handmade Mother's Day gift

Handmade Mother's Day gift

Handmade Mother's Day gift

The end result of Harry and Harriet’s creative work!

Handmade Mother's Day gift

Handmade Mother's Day gift

This idea is not just for Mother’s Day. It can be used as a handmade gift idea for most occasions and celebrations…and the more pom poms and glitter, the better!

Georgie and Katie

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