And the train goes…

and the train goes

Harry is absolutely mad on trains. Every evening as we snuggle up in his bed after we’ve read some books he asks if we can have a “chat” and when I ask him what he wants to chat about it is always about the train Daddy gets to and from work. Teddy just loves whatever his brother loves and therefore, when I came across “and the train goes…” I felt this book would be a hit…and I was right, it has been.

and the train goes

Harry loves looking at the detailed illustrations and they spark his imagination and create great conversations – apparently there is a chicken on the train who belongs solely to the train driver and the business men look just like Daddy amongst other little snippets from Harry’s thoughts. Teddy also seems to be drawn into the pictures with their bold and bright colours.

and the train goes

and the train goes

This is one of William Bee’s early publications and was inspired by a design he did for a carpet – I am very envious of whoever has the carpet in their house – it is amazing. It can be seen on his blog, which reflects the humour he injects into his stories.

The book takes you from the platform with all the passengers waiting patiently to board the train, through to the train journey, with each passenger group in their carriages busily making the most of the train ride and finally to the end when you get to meet the station parrot. It narrates using many fun sounds. Harry and Teddy particularly like the train “chufferty chuffing” and “woo, wooing”. After one read Harry had already memorised most of the sounds and is eager to join in the telling of the story, which is so lovely to see. Teddy just shouts with delight!

and the train goes

and the train goes

This book really is a charming read with delightful illustrations – both my sons adore it (aged 10 months and 3 years). Have any of you read any of William Bee’s books?


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