Bobo Choses AW15 collection for women

It’s what we have been waiting for, the chance to be able to wear the super soft, super wearable designs by the magical Bobo Choses. We took at loo at their AW15 collection for kids in one of our previous posts and so now we thought we’d bring you the pieces available for us grown ups. Credit cards at the ready!

Bobo Choses womens collection

Bobo Choses womens collection

Bobo Choses womens collection

Bobo Choses womens collection

Bobo Choses womens collection

Bobo Choses womens collection

Bobo Choses womens collectionBobo Choses womens collection

Bobo Choses womens collection

You can purchase the pieces here. We’ve ordered out pieces – have you?


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