encouraging our minis to make memories – a toddler diary…

toddler diary - harry writing

In 2015 I am keen to encourage Harry to sit and take a moment to think through what fun he will getting up to throughout the year. I am slightly obsessed with keeping journals, photo albums and memory books so I came up with the idea of Harry keeping a scrapbook diary.

I went out and bought some items to get Harry started – glue and a mountain of stickers along with a “diary” were the main purchases.
toddler diary
The diary is from Paperchase from their Kraft selection. You can find a similar one here. I thought he could personalise the cover. It has a few pockets inside for keeping mementos which he will no doubt pick up along the way.  I always carry a point and shoot camera which can capture the day as visual reminders for him. I also have a selection of “journal cards” which can be purchased or downloaded for free (there are many on Pinterest to chose from). I also feel I should mention the  and Deco Pastels Gel which I purchased from My Small World, Bath (the staff are so friendly and helpful at this wonderful store). Both are really smooth to colour with and produce bright colours – perfect for Harry to chronicle the events he encounters as the year goes on.
Harry really looks forward to doing his diary. Below he wanted to put in his diary that it had snowed for the first time in Berkshire in 2015…and in our new house! He chose the pictures, glued them in where he wanted them and told me what stickers he wanted and what he wanted written. He then did a bit of colouring. It is completely lead by what he wants to put in it.
toddler diary
toddler diary
toddler diary
toddler diary
Harry’s favourite parts seem to be gluing and choosing the stickers. It has been fun to do with him as it really opens up conversation between us about what he has done and what he is thinking. A toddler diary is really interactive and makes for a lovely keepsake for when they grow up.
Do you do anything like this with your minis? If so, I’d love to hear any ideas I can then use to enhance this already enjoyable activity with Harry.
Running in Lavender

2 Responses

  1. Everything Mummy 21st February 2015 / 8:35 am

    Lovely idea, it’ll be so nice to look back through it one day together. Thankyou for linking up to #sundaystars
    Everything Mummy recently posted…Turkey and Feta BurgersMy Profile

    • Minis & More 21st February 2015 / 9:19 pm

      Thank you. It’s such a lovely thing to sit down and do with Harry – it’s our chance to catch-up on the day he’s had!

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