Getting to know us – Georgie’s Questions and Answers

Getting to know minis and more

We thought we should maybe let you get to know a bit more about us now we have been going for a few months. Georgie is the first to go and below are some questions and answers to hopefully let you find out a bit more about her life and loves.

1. Describe yourself in five words.

Loyal, determined, protective, decisive, mummy.

Getting to know minis and more

Such a Mummy – apron on in the Christmas photo!

2. What did you do before becoming a mum?

After studying History of Art and Architecture and university I started working in property development in London. It was fabulous seeing all the beautiful buildings and architectural styles in Central London. I went on to work in Lettings and Portfolio Management at Harrods and then onto a private family portfolio.

Getting to know minis and more

The days before kids – when I had time to style my hair!!

Getting to know minis and more

A couple of weeks before I had Harry – blissfully ignorant to the 3am feeds ahead of me.

3. Your memories of first becoming a mum.

When Harry was handed to me after he was born I remember the biggest rush of love travel through my body. It was like a wave and it was the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced. He was born at 10:35pm as for some reason the TV was on in the delivery room and as he was born I remember hearing the Question Time music!! He were taken to a room for the night and I just stayed up and looked at him. It was surreal, magical and mind-blowing to have this tiny baby who was utterly yours to love unconditionally.

Getting to know minis and more

4. Why a stay-at-home-mum?

When I was pregnant I had every intention of going back to work. After Harry was born as I suddenly became someone completely different. More sensitive, definitely more emotional and a strong feeling that this was my calling (I am sure most of us mums have felt this at one point or another). I asked work about working 10am – 4pm so I could do the nursery run (which they did agree to) but after doing the sums of a reduced wage, still paying for 5 days travel and childcare it did not make that much sense and we have been lucky enough to be in the position where I have not had to go back.

Getting to know minis and more

Getting to know minis and more

5. What are your vices?

They are pretty standard I think – champagne (scrummy), Green & Black’s 70% chocolate (I love dark chocolate), shopping (I can hear my husband sobbing as he reads this) and make-up – it’s the shiny packaging and oh-so-pretty colours. It’s not really a vice, but I do love a glass of wine or two and a good laugh with girlfriends.

6. What would friends and family say is your best quality?

I hope it would be that I am loyal. I have a core group of friends who (along with my family) I am fiercely protective of. Motherhood has awakened my inner lioness!

7. What would they say is your worst quality?

My parents and Josh would probably say I can be quite shy. Friends as well as family will probably all agree that I do sometimes go off into my own world – not sure where it is yet but it’s a quiet, calm place!!

Getting to know minis and more

Definitely out of my comfort zone! Not quite a regular Saturday night in our household…

8. Your three best baby purchases.

Having Teddy has made me realise the really useful items I have found useful second time around as well as first.

  • Tuppence and Crumble star blanket. I have used these for both Harry and Teddy in place of snowsuits as you don’t have to wrestle them into them and they are easy to take in and out of and strap into car seats, carry in baby carriers (I used it to keep Teddy warm when trialling the Rockin’ Baby pouch when it was cooler) and buggies. I have bought quite a few as new baby gifts as I think they are so useful.
  • Aden and Anais large muslin cloths. They are huge and just the right thickness. They are great to use as blankets, sheets, sun shields on prams/buggies, picnic blankets, for cleaning up and even towels when on holiday.
  • Tomy star music projector. This has been such good value and has helped soothe both Harry and Teddy to sleep. They both love music and this can be turned on for 5 or 10 minutes and is easy to take away with you as it is so compact.

Getting to know minis and more

The star blanket has been used over and over again…

9. Your three least useful baby purchases.

  • A bath thermometer – I did use one with Harry but having Teddy and maybe feeling more confident made me realise I can trust my own judgement.
  • Baby toys – I have not unpacked many baby toys since Teddy has been born. This could be because all Teddy really wants to do is play with Harry’s toys but the plethora of squeaky toys and rattles is not necessary!
  • Baby blankets – although you can get some adorable baby blankets I really only used the star blanket and as soon as Harry and Teddy were old enough I put them in sleeping bags for bedtime.

10. Finally, if you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Oooh, that’s a tricky one. When I was younger I wanted to be able to teleport places which would be great – wake up in Berkshire, New York for lunch, Florence for supper and the Seychelles to watch the sun go down and a cocktail…as long I could teleport other people too so it wasn’t a lonely adventure!

Getting to know minis and more

New York selfie!!

Well, that’s it! Katie’s turn!!


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