Green People skincare competition

In case you missed our Green People skincare review post, see below details on how to win a full skincare set of the four Green People skincare products we tested – there’s still a few more days to go. In an update, I have been so impressed with the cleanser, I have bought a full size version (a generous 200ml). It really does feel lovely to use. The eye gel has also been a life-saver as Teddy has decided to fight sleep these past few days. My skin is definitely smoother and softer and with the organic ingredients has helped to reduce the sensitivity.

How to enter and the Terms and Conditions are below. It’s so easy, it is definitely worth a go!

To Enter

  1. Subscribe to our blog (for free) – it only takes a minute and you will get updates on new posts and any future giveaways. The subscription box is just on the right of our blog (or at the bottom if you are subscribing on a phone or tablet).
  2. In the comment box below this post, tell us which product you are most looking forward to trying.

Now for the Terms and Conditions

  1. The competition will run from 6:00am GMT on 2nd April 2015 until midnight GMT on 19th April 2015.
  2. The competition is open to entrants aged 18 and over.
  3. The winner will be chosen at random (using and will be announced via social media outlets and will also be contacted in person – so make sure you have subscribed and left your email in the comment box form (your email will not be visible to the public).
  4. The brand The Green People Company Limited are kindly giving the lucky winner a set of full sized products which we were sent to trial. Their mailing address is Pontail Farm, Coolham Road, West Grinstead, West Sussex, RH13 8LN.
  5. The prize will be sent out within 28 days of the winner being announced via Green People’s courier.
  6. The competition is open to UK entrants only.

Good luck!

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