we’re going on a Nature Hunt

As the weather picks up, it’s great to let the little ones expel energy running about in the fresh air. It’s even better when they have a bit of a focus so that they are kept occupied and interested as they buzz about. Harry and Harriet were desperate to go on a nature hunt and as the sun shone one glorious afternoon, we thought we’d step out into the great outdoors to see what could be found.

Firstly, its all about preparation. Harry and Harriet studied their nature books carefully deciding what they might find as they planned the nature hunt. Between them they have a lovely selection of animal and nature books which they enjoy looking at and ask numerous (!!) questions about. The books they particularly enjoy are Nature’s Day, My First Nature Book, Creaturepedia and Outdoor Wonderland.

nature hunt

nature hunt

nature hunt

nature hunt

Next, they set off with their backpacks (their Kanken backpacks are featured in our top picks backpack post which you can read about here). Inside were all the nature hunt essentials; binoculars, magnifying glass, observation books and collecting jar.

nature hunt

nature hunt

They scoured the wilderness in the sunshine and collected any items they found interesting. Harriet loved the different colours amongst the first flowers emerging whilst Harry (as always) was keen to discover “interesting” stones although found time to stop and blow some dandelion seeds into the wind. Teddy leant a hand by holding the magnifying glass.

nature hunt

nature hunt


nature hunt

out and about

out and about

It was fantastic watching Harry and Harriet get so involved as they checked under rocks and leaves to see what they could find. It is such an easy activity and provides the minis with exercise both physically and mentally.

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