about us…


about me collage 2Georgie

Georgie grew up in the Home Counties before heading off to university to study History of Art and Architecture. She then started working in property development in           London and after meeting her husband they bought a flat in London, which was to become their first property renovation. They are now embarking on their fourth and hope it will be their last in a long while (although she secretly enjoys planning which wall to knock down next). They have two sons, Harry and Teddy who have filled their lives with laughter and tears – luckily the laughter prevails…

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After growing up overseas in Italy, Australia and Singapore, Katie returned to England to attend senior school. She went on to study and practice law in the UK, specialising in Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions. Katie and her husband currently live in Berkshire, where she is enjoying being a full-time mummy to one ball of effervescent fun, three-year old Harriet…


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Born in Yorkshire, Sally grew up in Kent surrounded by orchards and great coastlines. She met her partner at work (it was his lovely eyes) and after looking for a house with a big garden, they ended up on a farm! A partner in a brand consultancy keeps Sally busy, plus 3 gorgeous girls Olivia, Sophia and Willow, oh and a few cows and sheep…



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