365 penguins…

365 Penguins

365 Penguins

Harry loves numbers and maths. As a baby he could be calmed down if a bit fractious by being given a calculator and at 18 months he could count and recognise 1 – 10. Therefore, any book which not only tells a story, but which also incorporates numbers is a must for his bookshelf. 365 Penguins is such a book.

365 Penguins by Jean-Luc Fromental and Joelle Jolivet is an unusual yet amusing tale of the arrival of a penguin on New Year’s Day to a family’s home from an unknown sender. Things turn even more peculiar as a penguin arrives from a courier every single day for a year and the family have to deal with the chaos which follows. Who has sent the penguins, and why?

The story is slightly surreal (aren’t most children’s stories?) and Harry absolutely adores it. It takes into account a child’s sense of fun and the ridiculous, as the family try to find ingenious ways to store the growing number of penguins entering their lives on a daily basis.

365 Pensguins

365 Penguins

The bold illustrations using just three colours makes for a strikingly visual book. It is also a large book which Harry finds appealing.

It is not just a book for those who love numbers and maths (although it is a deliberate element to the book to make numbers more accessible and fun). It is a tale of a family trying to work together through an unexpected event and coming through it with a sense of humour.

Have you read this book? What did you and your minis think of it?


Mami 2 Five

4 Responses

    • Minis & More 2nd March 2015 / 7:00 am

      It is good. Harry thinks its so funny – plus he’s mad on numbers which this book delivers in a way which is not overly pushy.

  1. Katie 5th March 2015 / 11:46 pm

    I love seeing kids enjoy books and this looks like a great one. The colour in the pictures remind me of books I had as a child. Thanks for linking up with #SundayStars
    Katie recently posted…My Captured Moment ~ The Hair!My Profile

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