Baby one versus baby two!

baby one versus baby two

As the royal baby number two’s arrival is nearly upon us (although it seems to have passed me by somewhat – it was only a sign I saw in a local shop the other day which reminded me), I thought I would share what I feel have been the differences from having Harry to Teddy (Ted the Tank, Teddy Bear) come along.

  • Pregnant with Harry I could rest at weekends, go to bed early and just take my time. Pregnancy with Teddy meant lying on the playroom floor with morning sickness whilst Harry climbed over me insisting I play with the lego or lying on the kitchen floor and every so often placing a breadstick on Harry’s highchair so he was fed (in a fashion).
  • With Harry, his nursery was prepared when I was about 7 months pregnant, with Teddy we basically forgot and as he arrived a couple of weeks early we still felt that as he would be in his crib in our bedroom for a few months, the nursery could wait.
  • How many photos do we have of Harry sleeping in various places during the first few months of his life? Hundreds. How many of Teddy? Maybe five, if he’s lucky. Plus the baby record book so lovingly filled in for baby number one? What book? Is the response with baby number two.

baby one versus baby two

Harry asleep at hospital…

baby one versus baby two

 …Harry asleep in his moses basket…

baby one versus baby two

…Harry asleep in his pram with a Father Christmas napkin on him…

baby one versus baby two

…Harry asleep on my lap…you get the idea!

  • When Harry was awake he had no need to cry as Mummy or Daddy would always be there to entertain the precious little bundle. Teddy has become very good at entertaining himself as he can only whinge for so long without anyone running to him (notice it’s called whinging now, not crying) and he is excellent at finding ways to amuse himself – yes, a shoe horn is a fantastic toy, a plastic jug does sound funny when you shout into it and balloons are just the best.

baby one versus baby two

  • Harry was very good at getting into a routine – the nap two hours after waking up, the nap after lunch. With Teddy, we fit in his naps around where we are going, what we are doing. He doesn’t need black-out blinds or a full on black-out pram cover. He’ll nap…at some point…eventually.
  • When weaning Harry was fed organic purees which were lovingly made using my specially bought steamer/blender and frozen into little portions. It meant being up until midnight but it was worth it…right? Teddy has found a love for Ella’s pouches and took to eating finger food very quickly as it is just easier and takes up less time.

baby one versus baby two

Teddy has very quickly had to pick up the knack of feeding oneself

  • When Harry was awake…or asleep for that matter, he was, not the whole, always with us. With Teddy, I often have to stop and think where I have put him – whether he had been left to sleep in a car seat in the hallway…or still in the car maybe; put in a room before he could crawl – was it the sitting room or playroom – oh no, still upstairs in the bedroom and now he can crawl we just have to send out a mini search party when we realise he’s gone AWOL.

baby one versus baby two

baby one versus baby two

 We both may look completely shattered but darling Harry is sound asleep snuggled up to either Mummy or Daddy

  • With Harry, before he turned one, all toys and necessary equipment were sterilised – you can never be to careful, can you? With Teddy we just have to stop him from constantly trying to eat the cat food, eat the grass, eat the sand and hoover the floor for crumbs…although its not made him ill yet – everything in moderation!!

baby one versus baby two

Having an older sibling means never really getting anything of your own – it is all “shared”

  • Harry’s wardrobe was well stocked with all sizes ready for his growth spurts and outings. Teddy was lucky to make it out of a babygrow for the first year of his life and I have learnt that jersey joggers and a top are much easier and far more practical than little shirts and cord trousers.
  • Harry attended numerous classes and playgroups – Music? check. Swimming? Check. Baby massage? Check. Teddy gets to tag along to the odd soft play centre and his music class consists of listening to whichever CD is currently being played in the car.

baby one versus baby two

The professional underwater shot of Harry swimming…no such extravagance for Teddy

 One thing however which has been completely the same with Baby One versus Baby Two is the huge amount of love we have found for not of them. You really do wonder how you can find anymore love in your heart before Baby Two comes along, but sure enough, it is there. Who needs a baby massage class when a cuddle full of love for your child will work wonders for both you and your new little person.

baby one versus baby two


Harry aged six months

baby one versus baby two


Teddy aged nine months

Mami 2 Five

1 Response

  1. Sarah Christie 3rd May 2015 / 12:02 pm

    Love the underwater shot, and all so true. Its amazing the difference between baby no 1and 2 and how you rect to them, isn’t it x
    Sarah Christie recently posted…Galleria Umberto, NaplesMy Profile

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