Hape Toys Stormy Seas

stormy seas 3When we recently bought  Hape Toys balancing pirate ship game for Harry for his 3rd birthday I was so impressed with it that I bought one for Harriet too, and I am so pleased that I did. We have already had endless hours of family fun trying to balance the cannon balls, gold bars, gun powder and treasure chests onto the ship without the cargo going overboard.

stormy seas

Hape toys is one of the world’s largest producers of toys made from sustainable materials, and the Stormy Seas game is no exception. It is made from 100% bamboo and has a really lovely finish to it. It has been great for Harriet to test out her balancing skills, and we have been using it to encourage her to be better at taking turns and learning to count. She really has go the hang of it now, and manages to beat me every time!

stormy seas2

Just be sure you have your best pirate Yar … A-R-R-R at the ready – in our household it’s a requirement…




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