Charlotte Tilbury’s filmstars on the go

Charlotte Tilbury's Filmstars On The Go

I was putting on my make-up ready for the day ahead when I realised that my Charlotte Tilbury Filmstars On The Go are my steady go-to makeup when it’s too early to think about what colours to apply. They are quick, easy and versatile making them a good “mum make-up” when busy and also perfect for using during the day to top up a look.

Charlotte Tilbury's Filmstars On The Go

I have two of the palettes, “All About Eve” (not the left) and “Breakfast At Tiffany’s” (on the right). All five palettes are named after iconic films which feature strong female leads. It makes them feel a little bit more glamorous as I smudge them on early morning before the little ones wake up to start the day.

Charlotte Tilbury's Filmstars On The Go

“All About Eve” (the swatch on the left) is a sophisticated palette of a light pink blush/lip colour with a taupe metallic eye cream with a silvery shimmer.

“Breakfast at Tiffany’s” (the swatch on the right) has a peach coloured blush/lip colour with a golden metallic eye cream.

The texture of the blush/lip colour is perfect for blending on to the cheek and is not drying when applying to the lips (a problem with some multitasking products I have had). As a blush it gives me a dewy finish and as a lip colour it is semi glossy. The eye colour is easy to blend and I also smudge it around as a soft liner. I have found I need to top up the eye colour during the day but it is a lovely compact to use and the big mirror makes re-applying a doddle.

Charlotte Tilbury's Filmstars On The Go

Above I am wearing the “All About Eve” palette on eyes, lips and cheeks.

Charlotte Tilbury's Filmstars On The Go

In this shot I am wearing the “Breakfast at Tiffany’s palette – taken in the same window but the light had changed but hopefully you get an idea of what they look like! As I have said, I love the ease and speed with which I can apply these palettes when in a rush. A true school run make-up must-have!

Rockin’ Baby review and giveaway!

Rockin' Baby review and giveaway

As you will have read in my previous post, I was sent a pouch baby carrier and sling baby carrier from Rockin’ Baby to see if I could be converted to someone who could comfortably use a sling or pouch to carry Teddy. So, after some serious testing here is my review and there is also a giveaway – details at the end of the post!

When the pouch and sling arrived, I opened the boxes and was immediately impressed by the quality of the products. They are made from a very durable cotton, which makes them breathable and more comfortable for both baby and parent, especially in hot weather. The sling has two rings which the material goes through in order to secure it as a carrier. These felt incredibly tough – the last thing you want to think about is it all falling apart and your precious mini on the floor!

Both the pouch and sling came with instructions but I watched a video on how to use them as I was a complete novice. As I have said previously, I did not feel confident enough to use them before this, thinking I would put Harry or Teddy in one and they would simply slip through.

Armed with the instructions I tried both carriers in the house. They were both easy to put on – I thought it would be much more of a struggle and, nervously I have to admit I put Teddy into them. Teddy is not a small boy – he is not nicknamed “Ted the Tank” for nothing! However, he sat on my hip easily and at first it was a weird sensation to have him dangling there but I soon got used to it. He loved being high up in order to have a nosey as to what was going on and we could chat away to each other whilst I wandered about the house.

rockin' baby review and giveaway

rockin' baby review and giveaway

The next challenge – using it outside! I thought I would try different situations so Katie and I took the minis for a walk to a local nature reserve. I used the pouch which I liked as I simply popped Teddy in and off we went. Again, he seemed to enjoy seeing the world from a new perspective and it is just lovely having your little one so close to you.

Rockin' Baby review and giveaway

Rockin' Baby review and giveaway

Rockin' Baby review and giveaway

My husband even wanted to have a go and seemed to enjoy the experience. He also preferred the pouch feeling it looked more masculine but understood why a new mother may prefer the sling (the zippered pocket in the sling is brilliant to carry a few bits without having to carry a separate bag and is easily accessible).

rockin' baby review and giveaway

We then made a trip to London to visit the Natural History Museum. Although it does have lifts, it is more accessible without having to use a pushchair so we took both the pouch and sling to test them out. We ended up using the pouch after trying the two. I feel more comfortable using it. I think this may be because Teddy is bigger and the sling seems more natural for a smaller baby. Also, I am small and I did not feel I could get the sling tight enough, even though Teddy seemed secure enough. It is probably just comes down to personal preference.

During our museum visit both Katie and I used the pouch to carry Teddy. In the morning I carried him and his head and eyes darted about everywhere with so much to see. He was very chatty and interactive. I was surprised that my back did not ache once during the day – the pouch seemed to distribute the weight so as not to pull on my back.

Rockin' Baby giveaway competition

Rockin' Baby giveaway competition

Rockin' Baby giveaway competition

After lunch, Katie carried Teddy in the pouch. He was so comfortable, he actually fell asleep in it! Teddy does not fall asleep easily outside of his cot so this really was a good sign that he felt comfortable and secure.

Rockin' Baby giveaway competition

So the answer to the question in the title is…YES! I’ve been converted. Although I will still use a buggy it is so handy for when a buggy may create more hassle. I have also found it really useful when I just want to “pop” into a couple of shops as it means I don’t have to put the buggy up.

So, now to the giveaway competition where you get the chance to win either a pouch or sling of your choice! Rockin’ Baby are giving one away to a lucky winner to celebrate Mother’s Day and their Mother to Mother campaign (read more about it here). Even if you don’t have a little one small enough for it, you may know someone who may benefit. It is easy to pack away and carry and I felt it allowed more interaction with Teddy. It’s worth trying…what have you got to lose!

To Enter

  1. Subscribe to our blog (for free) – it only takes a minute and you will get updates on new posts and any future giveaways. The subscription box is just on the right of our blog (or at the bottom if you are subscribing on a phone or tablet).
  2. Visit the Rockin’ Baby website and choose which pouch or sling you would like (if you choose a pouch, they come in Small, Medium or Large – I had the Medium and both my husband and I could use it).
  3. In the comment box below this post, tell us which pouch or sling you would like.

Now for the Terms and Conditions

  1. The competition will run from 6:00am GMT on 13th March 2015 until midnight GMT on 27th March 2015.
  2. The competition is open to entrants aged 18 and over.
  3. The winner will be chosen at random and will be announced via social media outlets and will also be contacted in person – so make sure you have subscribed and left your email in the comment box form (your email will not be visible to the public).
  4. The brand Rockin’ Baby are kindly giving the lucky winner a pouch or sling of the winner’s choice. Their mailing address is 11 South 21st Street, Suite 5, Richmond VR, 23223, USA.
  5. The prize will be sent out within 28 days of the winner being announced via signed for delivery.
  6. The competition is open to worldwide entrants.

rockin baby review and giveaway

Good luck!

Georgie and Katie

Rockin’ Baby sling and pouch carriers…

rocking baby sling and pouch baby carriers

We met some of the team from Rockin’ Baby at Bubble London (you can see our top picks from the exhibition here). We were drawn to their stand by some beautiful Scandi-style print on some baby clothes (but more about that another time – that is just a tease…). We got talking to the team which included the charming Mark Jeynes who is a Director and co-founder of the company (look out for his “mini takeover” interview next week!). He and his colleagues were so passionate about the brand, which was founded on the design of baby pouch and sling carriers, it was infectious.

rocking baby sling and pouch baby carriers

Rockin’ Baby was founded as a company who design baby carriers in the form of slings and pouches. They have designed them so they are as simple to use as possible without compromising on your little one’s safety. They are also an excuse for your mini to have a cuddle with you.

Both the sling and pouch are made from 100% cotton and both are reversible so you can either choose to wear it with the patterned or plain fabric on show – men and women can use it without feeling self-conscious about the design. The slings even have a zippered pocket so you can store a few essentials if you’re not venturing out too far and don’t wish to carry around a separate bag.

Now for the part which really touched Katie and myself when the team spoke to us. For every pouch or sling sold, the company donates one to a mother either Haiti or Kenya in a striking orange of the same quality as those purchased. The company also send out midwives and specialists to help educate mothers (and fathers) in using the slings in order to keep their precious babies close to them in the tricky conditions they face. They call this their Mother to Mother project.

rocking baby slings and pouch baby carriers

rocking baby sling and pouch baby carriers

I have to admit, I haven’t been tempted to use a sling or pouch as I did not feel confident in carrying my little one without them falling out of the bottom! I also thought it would cause havoc with back pain (Teddy is sometimes affectionately called “Ted the Tank” for his solid presence!). Rockin’ Baby challenged me to give it a go and see if they could change my mind.

rocking baby pouch and sling baby carriers

rocking baby sling and pouch baby carriers

I was kindly sent the sling in “Peacock Johnny” and the pouch in “The Ground Beneath Her Feet” design (both £59) I will be trialling them for a few weeks and I will be posting a report on how I got on. Will I be a convert? Watch this space…


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And the train goes…

and the train goes

Harry is absolutely mad on trains. Every evening as we snuggle up in his bed after we’ve read some books he asks if we can have a “chat” and when I ask him what he wants to chat about it is always about the train Daddy gets to and from work. Teddy just loves whatever his brother loves and therefore, when I came across “and the train goes…” I felt this book would be a hit…and I was right, it has been.

and the train goes

Harry loves looking at the detailed illustrations and they spark his imagination and create great conversations – apparently there is a chicken on the train who belongs solely to the train driver and the business men look just like Daddy amongst other little snippets from Harry’s thoughts. Teddy also seems to be drawn into the pictures with their bold and bright colours.

and the train goes

and the train goes

This is one of William Bee’s early publications and was inspired by a design he did for a carpet – I am very envious of whoever has the carpet in their house – it is amazing. It can be seen on his blog, which reflects the humour he injects into his stories.

The book takes you from the platform with all the passengers waiting patiently to board the train, through to the train journey, with each passenger group in their carriages busily making the most of the train ride and finally to the end when you get to meet the station parrot. It narrates using many fun sounds. Harry and Teddy particularly like the train “chufferty chuffing” and “woo, wooing”. After one read Harry had already memorised most of the sounds and is eager to join in the telling of the story, which is so lovely to see. Teddy just shouts with delight!

and the train goes

and the train goes

This book really is a charming read with delightful illustrations – both my sons adore it (aged 10 months and 3 years). Have any of you read any of William Bee’s books?
