Our first video! – February mini Favourites

We have been putting off being “live” in front of the camera but we decided to throw caution to the wind and give it a go and become parent vloggers as well as parent bloggers! We also thought that as well as it being a good medium for us to show you products we have liked over the past month, it is also a way for you to hopefully get to know us a bit more. So, in the first of our videos we have brought together a few of our favourite items for the minis. Our February mini Favourites.

We hope you enjoy the video – please let us know your thoughts!

Stay tuned…we are putting up our video of “February MORE Favourites” in a few days time – treats and products for us grown-ups.

Georgie and Katie

Mami 2 Five

8 Responses

  1. Lisa H 5th March 2015 / 8:41 pm

    I absolutely love those jimmies, I’ve seen them before and they do adult ones too! Some great picks x
    Lisa H recently posted…My Profile

    • Minis & More 5th March 2015 / 9:39 pm

      Thanks. We love them too. Any excuse to dress the same as our minis!

  2. gemma stevens 8th March 2015 / 3:15 pm

    Great video. I love their little outfits.
    gemma stevens recently posted…My Profile

    • Minis & More 8th March 2015 / 3:54 pm

      Thank you – they look so cute all matching!

    • Minis & More 13th March 2015 / 9:16 pm

      Thank you! You should see our outtakes – lots of giggling. We have been doing more video posts ready for the next few weeks and it has become easier – and we feel we are more ourselves. The PJ’s are so cute and with twins they are practically begging to be purchased!! xx

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